Mr. Law was the founder of Conroe Mill Supply, Inc. He was born in Atlanta, Texas. After serving in World War II, Russell received his discharge from the U.S. Navy in 1947. With three other businessmen, Russell formed a company in Shreveport, Louisiana known as Service to Sawmillers. As salesman for the company, Russell traveled the east Texas area, which included Montgomery County. In 1952, he sold his interest in that business and moved to Conroe, where he opened Conroe Mill Supply, Inc. Initially Conroe Mill Supply, Inc. concentrated on distributing supplies to the many sawmills in Montgomery County. Expansion followed as Russell incorporated into his business a machine shop service and a steel warehouse to supply steel to industries. Evidence of success came half a century later when the Conroe Chamber of Commerce chose Conroe Mill Supply, Inc. as the first recipient of its “Random Renewal Reward.”
Russell then served as Chairman of the Board of Conroe Mill Supply, Inc. His wife, Jackie, was Secretary – Treasurer, while his son, Steve occupied the post of President. The combined wisdom, mutual respect and hard work of the partners, father and son, served to generate continual success for the corporation.
Russell and his wife Jackie joined First Baptist Church shortly after arriving in Conroe in 1952. In addition to being a faithful member, he taught the Intermediate Boys Sunday school class for many years, served on the Finance Committee, and served as Building Committee Chairman for the church sanctuary that was completed in 1970.
Family ties were of paramount importance to Russell. The Laws had three children – Stephen Russell Law, Sharon Law Wiser, and Tricia Law Brady – and eight grandchildren.

- The Rotary club of Conroe – President 1977
- The American Cancer Society of Montgomery County – President for two terms
- Conroe Industrial Park, Inc. – member
- Montgomery County Fair – supporter
- Little League Baseball Team “Sports” – sponsor
- Allied Conroe Bank Board of Directors
- Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow