Our History

In Business For Business Since 1934

First organized as the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce in 1934, the Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber of Commerce is celebrating 90 years of service to the Montgomery County area. We are a nonprofit, community-based organization devoted to enhancing the economic growth of the Greater Conroe and Lake Conroe Area.

Striving to truly involve the community in all decisions, the Chamber is governed by a member-elected Board of Directors that determines policies, set goals, and steers the path of the Chamber. The board also employs a president who hires a professional staff to handle the daily operations of the Chamber. The Chamber’s goals and yearly planned program of work are accomplished through the collective efforts of the board, staff, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers.

The humble and innovative membership of a handful of businesses in 1934 has grown to over 1,000 members. Founding members Gulf State Utilities (now Entergy), Lufkin-Conroe Telephone Company (now Consolidated Communications), and the Conroe Courier remain active members today. Besides the influx of new members, the mission of the Chamber has remained the same. We continue to be dedicated to improving the economic quality of life in Montgomery County by being in business for the businesses in our community.

Your Chamber – About Us – History


In April 1934, H.M. Crighton, the newly-elected mayor of Conroe, called for the formation of a chamber of commerce. The Conroe Courier newspaper endorsed his idea, saying that a chamber would “help put Conroe on the map.”

The timing was impeccable. Conroe was undergoing a metamorphosis due to the ongoing oil boom that had begun earlier that decade, with oil pioneers such as George Strake turning out successful wells in and around Montgomery County. The city’s population more than tripled from 1931 to 1933. Banks and other businesses had literally sprung up overnight, helping to pull the region from the depths of the Great Depression. The mayor recognized that a chamber of commerce would help bond the city’s established business owners with the growing number of entrepreneurs, offering a variety of services to the burgeoning community.

The organization of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce took shape the very next month, under the supervision and guidance of the Houston Chamber of Commerce and the East Texas Chamber of Commerce. An advertisement/notice was printed in Courier on Friday, May 18, 1934, calling for the businessmen in Conroe to meet with the purpose of organizing a chamber of commerce.

In Business For Business Since 1934

First organized as the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce in 1934, the Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber of Commerce recently celebrated almost 90 years of service to the Montgomery County area. We are a nonprofit, community-based organization devoted to enhancing the economic growth of the Greater Conroe and Lake Conroe Area.

Striving to truly involve the community in all decisions, the Chamber is governed by a member-elected Board of Directors that determines policies, set goals, and steers the path of the Chamber. The board also employs a president who hires a professional staff to handle the daily operations of the Chamber. The Chamber’s goals and yearly planned program of work are accomplished through the collective efforts of the board, staff, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers.

The humble and innovative membership of three businesses in 1934 has grown to over 1,100 members. Besides the influx of new members, the mission of the chamber has remained the same. We continue to be dedicated to improving the economic quality of life in Montgomery County by being in business for the businesses in our community.

Your Chamber – About Us – History

First organized as the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce in 1934, the Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber of Commerce has served the Montgomery County area for almost 90 years. We are a nonprofit, community-based organization devoted to enhancing the economic growth of the Greater Conroe and Lake Conroe Area.
Striving to truly involve the community in all decisions, the Chamber is governed by a member-elected Board of Directors that determines policies, set goals, and steers the path of the Chamber. The board also employs a president who hires a professional staff to handle the daily operations of the Chamber. The Chamber’s goals and yearly planned program of work are accomplished through the collective efforts of the board, staff, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers.

In April 1934, H.M. Crighton, the newly-elected mayor of Conroe, called for the formation of a chamber of commerce. The Conroe Courier newspaper endorsed his idea, saying that a chamber would “help put Conroe on the map.”

The timing was impeccable. Conroe was undergoing a metamorphosis due to the ongoing oil boom that had begun earlier that decade, with oil pioneers such as George Strake turning out successful wells in and around Montgomery County. The city’s population more than tripled from 1931 to 1933. Banks and other businesses had literally sprung up overnight, helping to pull the region from the depths of the Great Depression. The mayor recognized that a chamber of commerce would help bond the city’s established business owners with the growing number of entrepreneurs, offering a variety of services to the burgeoning community.

The organization of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce took shape the very next month, under the supervision and guidance of the Houston Chamber of Commerce and the East Texas Chamber of Commerce. An advertisement/notice was printed in Courier on Friday, May 18, 1934, calling for the businessmen in Conroe to meet with the purpose of organizing a chamber of commerce.

First and foremost, the Chamber has always been about connecting and growing its member businesses. WIth ribbon-cutting ceremonies, marketing, online branding & promotion, and plenty of networking opportunities, our members quickly see the value of belonging to the Chamber family. 

Throughout its history, the Chamber has helped incubate numerous county and city events and organizations, including the Montgomery County Fair & Rodeo, the Go Texan Parade, Leadership Montgomery County, the creation and development of Lake Conroe, the Conroe-North Houston Regional Airport, countless transportation and economic development initiatives, and much more.

Additionally, the Chamber holds several signature events each year for its members and the community. This includes the Chairman’s Ball in January, Tastefest in April/May, ATHENA Women’s Leadership Award Luncheon in July, and Lobsterfest in October.

Join The Chamber

The Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber is here for your business. Engage now to expand your networking opportunities and to be a part of our community’s growth.