Winifred was the owner of Weisinger Chevrolet in Conroe. He was a Montgomery County native born in the Weisinger Settlement, in what is now April Sound. He was the second youngest of eleven children. He and wife Lillian had one daughter, Winifred Ann Spencer, and three grandchildren, Philip Burton Spencer, Leslie Ann Spencer, and Stacy Carol Spencer.
He attended Conroe schools and graduated from Texas A & M in 1931. He served his country in the U. S. Navy in World War II in the Panama Canal Zone. As a member of First United Methodist Church, he served on the Administrative Board, the Building Committee and was Chairman of the Finance Committee.
Winifred was involved in many Chamber activities, including the County Council for National Defense (1941), Chairman of the Chamber Budget and Finance Committee, Trustee for the Real Estate Development Fund (Montgomery County Industrial Foundation), and member of the Building Committee for the Chamber Building at 101 W. Phillips.
Through his civic involvement, he strove to promote an optimistic and progressive outlook for the future of Montgomery County. He believed that by looking toward the future, facilities could be planned in advance, maintained and upgraded in order to keep pace with growth. The building of Lake Conroe was accomplished while he served on the Board of Directors of the San Jacinto River Authority from 1951 – 1973. He served as its president from 1954-1973, the year of his death.

- President, Conroe Noon Lions Club (1943-44)
- Chairman, Montgomery County United Fund
- Chairman, Texas A & M Students Organization
- Fund Chairman, Texas A & M Student Fund
- Board of Directors, Conroe YMCA
- Lifetime Member, Texas Lions League for Crippled Children
- 32nd Degree Mason
- Member, Arabia Temple and Montgomery County Shrine Club
- Director, First National Bank
- Director, Conroe National Bank
- Original Owner, KMCO, Conroe’s first radio station
- Original Owner, Conroe Cable T. V.
- President, Conroe Community Hotel Corporation which built Conroe Hotel
- Named “Man With A Heart” by Community Service Bureau in Dallas for outstanding civic leadership in the Southwest (1958)
- First recipient of the Conroe Courier Outstanding Citizen Award for outstanding leadership and community service
- Distinguished Service Director, Chamber of Commerce (1967 – 1969)